Special program

10. 12. | FRIDAY | 16:00 | Small Theatre

Special program

Off Frame

film by Mohanad Yaqubi

62 min | Color & B&W | DCP, BluRay, HD, DVD| Arabic, English, French, Italian | Produced by Idioms Film | Palestine, France, Qatar, Lebanon | 2016

off frame poster

Off Frame AKA Revolution Until Victory is a meditation on the Palestinian people’s struggle to produce an image and self-representation on their own terms in the 1960s and 1970s, with the establishment of the Palestine Film Unit as part of the PLO. Unearthing films stored in archives across the world after an unprecedented research and access, the film begins with popular representations of modern Palestine and traces the works of militant filmmakers in reclaiming image and narrative through revolutionary and militant cinema. In resurrecting a forgotten memory of struggle, Off Frame reanimates what is within the frame, but also weaves a critical reflection by looking for what is outside it, or what is off frame.


off frame still

Mohanad Yaqubi is a filmmaker, producer, and one of the founders of the Ramallah-based production house, Idioms Film. Yaqubi is one of the founders of the research and curatorial collective Subversive Films that focuses on militant film practices, also, a founding member of the Palestine Film Institute, that focus on supporting, promoting, and preserving Palestinian cinema, he is a resident researcher at The School of the Art (KASK) in Gent, Belgium since 2017.

mohanad jakubi

Filmografija Jakubija kao producenta obuhvata nekoliko naslova, od kojih su najnoviji Hitna pomoć (rež. Mohamed Jabali, 2016) Ouroboros (rež. Basma Sharif, 2017) i Ibrahim: A Fate to Define (rež. Lina Alabed, 2019). Jakubijev prvi dugometražni film Van kadra ili Revolucija do pobede iz 2016. imao je svoje premijere na TIFF-u, Berlinalu, Cinema du reel, Dubai IFF-u i Jamagati među 50 drugih premijera i projekcija širom sveta.

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Students' City Cultural Center
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 179, 11070 Novi Beograd
Phone:+381112691442 Fax:+381113193889 Email:alternativefilmvideo@gmail.com Web:https://www.dksg.rs/
ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO is an international Festival established in 1982. As a meeting place for artists, theorists, critics and audiences, the Festival’s goal is to record and theoretically define movements, promote constructive values and support new creative possibilities in visual media.
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Alternative Film/Video festival

Alternative Film/Video festival